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King Harbour Restaurant
Breastfeeding Friendly Premises
 Blue Label 
  • Address
    將軍澳欣景路8號新都城第二期第二層2008號舖 (寶琳港鐵站 A2 出口)
  • Telephone
  • Opening time
    Mon-Sun 08:00-23:30
Provide facilities
  • Do not disturb a breastfeeding mother (e.g. will not ask to cover her body or ask her to breastfeed at another location)
  • Provide assistance to mothers in need (e.g. explaining their needs to other customers)
  • Provide training about breastfeeding to employees to raise their awareness
  • To become a Breastfeeding-friendly Premises with Gold Label, your company / organization will undertake the following
  • Will not ask a mother to breastfeed in the toilet
Facilities picture
No photo.
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