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What is a Breastfeeding Friendly Premises

A Breastfeeding Friendly Premises is a public place, such as restaurant, shopping mall and transportation, where nursing mothers feel welcome and mothers feel supported to breastfeed anytime, anywhere.


Why support breastfeeding
Attract families as clients

Quality customer services attract the patronage of breastfeeding families.

Positive Promotion

It helps a premises to get positive reviews, thus free promotion for the business.


Enhance Corporate Image

Fulfil corporate social responsibility by providing convivence to nursing mothers

How to act more?

Asides from the aforementioned breastfeeding support services. A premises can also:

  • Display signage or promotion materials at visible locations within the premises.
  • Help promote breastfeeding by publishing related educational information on the website and social media platforms.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • No. There are no direct extra expenditures by becoming a Breastfeeding Friendly Premises. Most mothers would like see supportive attitudes from staff members and customers so that they feel there is a welcoming environment for breastfeeding.


  • Not necessary. The most ideal situation is to have a breastfeeding room. If this is not feasible, then the premises can arrange a secluded place, or provide information about nearby breastfeeding facilities to the nursing mother. In fact, many nursing mothers prefer to breastfeed and interact socially at the same time, such as having a meal with family members and friends. As such, no special arrangement is required. The most important thing is to respect the mother’s choice to breastfeed her child anywhere.


    Breastfeeding Space:

  • Customers usually don’t mind seeing a mother breastfeeding her child. Staff members can also explain to customers that breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed a child. If a child is hungry, then the mother has to react. If the problem persists, then the premises can arrange a seat that is away from the breastfeeding mother for the customer in question.



  • Breast milk is rich in nutrition and provides the antibodies, immunocytes and growth factors the baby needs in order to strengthen the baby’s immune system. The breast milk’s nutritional components will change over time to meet the developmental needs of the baby. Also, breastfeeding cannot be replaced by formula milk as breastfeeding takes place according to the needs of the baby.


    UNCIEF recommends that a baby can be breastfed exclusively during the first six months of life. Eventually, solid food can be added to the meal little by little. At the same, breastfeeding can continue. Nursing mothers enjoy the same social lives as other people, and Breastfeeding Friendly Premises can help nursing mothers to breastfeed comfortably.

  • The Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) was an anti-discrimination legislation enacted in 1995. According to the SDO, it is against the law to discriminate on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy and breastfeeding. The law covers different areas, and it equally protects both males and females. (The provision regarding breastfeeding came into effect on 19 June 2021).


    The SDO also provides for the establishment of the Equal Opportunities Commission, where it is charged with the responsible of eradicating discrimination and harassment, and of promoting gender equality.

  • Discrimination is further categorized into direct and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination happens when someone is treated less favourably because of gender, marital status, pregnancy or breastfeeding. For example, sex discrimination occurs if an employer employs another person instead of you because of gender. Or if you are a pregnant single woman, and your employer only offers benefits to those who are legally married, then your employer would have committed an offence because of differential treatment based on marital status. Or if your employer terminates your employment after you finish your maternity leave, then the employer would have contravened the law because of differential treatment based on pregnancy.


    Indirect discrimination happens when there is a policy or rule that applies to everyone, but in reality there are no fully justifiable reasons to impose such a policy or rule. Also, the policy and rule would disadvantage a group of people because of gender, marital status, pregnancy or breastfeeding. For example, your employer punishes you if you are pregnant and cannot work overtime. If the employer cannot provide fully justifiable reasons why overtime is required, then the punishment will constitute indirect discrimination.

  • It is against the law if a service provider refuses service or denies the provision of goods and facilities on the grounds of gender, pregnancy, marital status or breastfeeding. Likewise, it is against the law if an educational institution refuses to enrol or dismiss a student on the aforementioned grounds.

  • Breastfeeding discrimination occurs if anyone directly or indirectly discriminate against a breastfeeding female (irrespective of whether the female is breastfeeding her own child) or a female who is collecting her breast milk. The prohibition is equally applicable to discriminatory acts that do not occur during the breastfeeding process, as long as such acts are made because of breastfeeding. For example, a contravention would occur if a restaurant refuses service to a breastfeeding female, or if an employer terminates the employment of an employee or treat the employee less favourably because the employee collects her breast milk in the office.

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